You are invited to a Community Presentation & Forum
The results are in!
In Winter 2011, CIVITAS and the NYU Wagner School administered a Community Engagement Survey to take stock of community views on neighborhood concerns and future needs of the Upper East Side and East Harlem.
We hope you will participate in the Community Presentation & Forum when we present the survey results addressing the following areas: Transportation, Land Use, Streetscape, and Environmental Quality
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue (103rd street entrance)
RSVP required:
info@civitasnyc.org or 212-996-0745
For more information and project updates, visit: www.civitasnyc.org/publicneedssurvey <http://www.civitasnyc.org/publicneedssurvey>